Month's Music Round-up

Hello, September.  I wonder what you have in store in the form of music this month...

I feel this is a good time to do an August round-up of the new music I have discovered and fallen in love with this last month, and I will try to make this a monthly round-up thing on my page.  

So, for me, August was a weird month, due to a poor work-life balance, lack of sleep, and minor inconveniences that actually throw the whole week off.  So listening to some new music helps me to channel my feelings in a different way.  

Here's a little fact about me; I suffer with anxiety and I have done since I was very little and the reasons for its cause have obviously changed as I have grown up.  But, one thing that hasn't changed for me is that music helps calm me down, whether it is a calming melody or a bouncy tune that gets me moving enough to forget what I'm worrying about.  

Like I briefly mentioned in my last post, my usual music go-to would be what you would consider Alternative, such as Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nothing But Thieves, Foo Fighters, Kasabian and Muse to name a few.  I do love a lot of different music though, and I wont say that I have never sang along to a Taylor Swift song maybe once or twice, so my taste is definitely not limited to one genre.  

This last month, there is one artist who's music I have really sunk into, and that artist would be Billie Eilish.  Her voice is so pretty, yet her music has this really bad-ass tone and when you're listening to it, you feel like you can take on any bullshit that gets thrown your way.  Some of her lyrics are pretty dark but they're masked by her beautiful voice and calming background music.  Some of my favourite tracks are named below, definitely give them a listen!
  • you should see me in a crown
  • bellyache
  • my boy
  • watch
My second new artist of the month is Jorja Smith.  First of all, she is so talented, and has a different song for each mood.  Her voice is completely flawless, but still has so much personality.  If you loved Amy Winehouse, you'll definitely like Jorja Smith, her music has a similar raw edge with a more modern twist.  It's the sort of music I like to play at home in the evening, it has a chilled out vibe and would definitely be good background music for a chilled night in with a few drinks.  
Some of my favourite Jorja tracks below:
  • Blue Lights
  • Lifeboats (Freestyle)
  • Teenage Fantasy
  • Where Did I Go?
So whether you're just looking to listen to something different, or if like me, you need music to help collect your thoughts and center yourself, have a listen to these two gals, I can guarantee that you will not be bored or disappointed!  Music is important- appreciate your headphone time! 


  1. This is really inspiring, especially as my new job is taking all my energy, so much so, I'm frazzled when I get home at night & don't know how to relax or 'get back to me'. Music of some kind, is probably always the answer...Having the time to work out what though, is another thing, so 'thank you' I will check out these new artists. Loving the blog btw & looking forward to reading your future posts.xx


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